UCodeCL command-line reference

The UCodeLang Command-line tool it serves as a Compiler,Runtime,build system and package manager for UCodeLang.


uclang [command] <arguments>


helpnoneOutputs all the all the available commands.
newnonemakes a new UCodeLang Module Project.
buildPath(optional),flags(optional)Builds a UCodeLang File,Module,Folder.
runPath(optional),flags(optional)Builds a UCodeLang File,Module,Folder or .ulib and runs it. See More
getPath(optional)Downloads the Modules dependencies.
dumpPathBuilds a UCodeLang File,Module,Folder or .ulib and attempts to convert the output into readable textworks with wasm,window,linux,macos,c89,.ulib,.uir outputs.
cleanPathclears a Module a intermediate and output files.
cleanallnoneclears all Modules on the system intermediate and output files.
cpptoulangvmCppPath,CpplinkPath,ulangoutuses C++ source code to create bindings for UCodeVm
cppdirtoulangvmCppDir,CpplinkPath,ulangoutuses C++ source files code to create bindings for UCodeVm
fmtPath(optional)Formats A UCodeLang Module or file.
indexPath(optional)Adds Module to to the Module Index so it can be used/referenced by other module in your system.
testPath(optional)Runs Tests on your UCodeLang Module Project.
updatePath(optional)updates Module Dependencies uses Tests to avoid breaking changes and revert back if needed this may take Sometime.
updatetoolsnoneupdates UCodeLangTools.
uninstalltoolsnoneuninstalls uclang and uclanglsp all downloaded modules will be left alone.
installNameInstalls a UCodeLangModule.
addmodName,Path(optional)runs a Installed and adds the Module to the project.
runmodNameruns a Installed UCodeLangModule.
uninstallmodNameuninstalls a Installed UCodeLangModule
exitsnoneexits ucodelang if opened without command line arguments.