
Not to be confused with Vector.

Vec2_t is the base type of a mathematical vector with an x and y value.

Vec2_t<float> pos = [5,4];
pos += [10,5];
Fmt::Print(pos);// [X:15,Y:9]

Vec2_t is mostly used for position,size and rotation others things that need an x and y value.

Fields functions

 T X;
 T Y;

Member functions

|new[this&] -> void;Makes a Vec2 with 0,0 coordinate.
|new[this&,T x,T y] -> void;Makes a Vec2 with the coordinate.
|+=[this&,imut this& other] -> void;
|+[imut this&,imut this& other] -> this;
|==[imut this&,imut this& other] -> bool;
|!=[imut this&,imut this& other] -> bool;