
the type keyword allows for

  • obtaining type info
  • comparing types
  • binding types

obtaining type info

to obtain type info can be done by

|main[] -> void:
 BoolType B = type(bool);
 var TypeInfo = typeof(B);

Note typeof is for expressions and will not will never execute the code at runtime.

Use cases can be found on type info.

comparing types

Comparing types can be done below

|main[] -> void:
 var AreTheSameType = type(bool == int);

when comparing types it will return a constant expression Boolean.

here's the list of valid operators.

  • == : will will directly compare the two types and will return true if exactly the same and false otherwise.

  • != will will directly compare the two types and will return false if exactly the same and true otherwise.

  • ~= will will approximately compared the types works the same as == but will be also true if the following is true.

    -if right side is the base type left of Ex: type(int ~= uint_t) is true. including traits.

binding types

using the bind keyword allows to convert type info to a type declaration.

|main[] -> void:
 var BoolType = type(bool);
 bind(BoolType) Item = true;