
Is a type that refers to systematic analysis part of the compiler. systematic analysis is are were symbols and types are checked.

it is used the make new symbols,type,funcions. and can used to read compiler data and Settings.

bool onwindows = compiler::IsBackendWindows();


IsBackendC11Noneeval boolIs true if are targeting the C backend.
IsBackendWasmNoneeval boolIs true if we are targeting Wasm for the web.
IsBackendUCodeVMNoneeval boolIs true if we are targeting the UCodeVM.
IsBackendWindowsNoneeval boolIs true if we are targeting windows.
IsBackendLinuxNoneeval boolIs true if we are targeting Linux.
IsBackendMacOSNoneeval boolIs true if we are targeting MaxOS.
IsCpuX86Noneeval boolIs true if we are targeting X86 Chips.
IsCpuArmNoneeval boolIs true if we are targeting Arm Chips.
IsDebugNoneeval boolIs true if the Debug flag was set.
HasFlag[char[\] Name]eval boolIs true a flag exists.
GetFlagValue[char[\] FlagName,out char[\] OutValue]eval boolreturns the flag if it exists and sets OutValue the to the Associated value as a String.
GetFlagValue[char[\] FlagName,out int OutValue]eval boolreturns the flag if it exists and sets OutValue the to the Associated value as a int.
GetFlagValue[char[\] FlagName,out bool OutValue]eval boolreturns the flag if it exists and sets OutValue the to the Associated value as a bool.
GetFlagValue[char[\] FlagName,out float OutValue]eval boolreturns the flag if it exists and sets OutValue the to the Associated value as a float.


GetFlagValue and HasFlag is not implemented in the compiler right now.