Automatic Binding Generation

To Solve this problem uclang or the UCodeLang command line tool is able to generate these bindings.

First step is geting the uclang command line tool. Theres two ways of geting by installing it or building from source.

For this example we will just steal it from the github releases and put it in our project root directory.

after that lets mark our c++ files with the funcions and types to export.

Heres our types and funcions we will like to export in our c++ file.

enum class Colors

void SomeFuncionthatTakeinColor(Colors a)

Next add these c++ macros .The argument for the macros is the namespace inside of UCodeLang file.

namespace OurAPI

UCodeLangExportSymbol("YourFrameWorkNameSpace") enum class Colors

UCodeLangExportSymbol("YourFrameWorkNameSpace") void SomeFuncionthatTakeinColor(Colors a)


These will tell uclang command line tool to generate bindings for these funcions and types.

next we need to add 'UCodeLangAutoLink' macros. when we add our Add_CPPCall.

UCodeLang::RunTimeLib Lib;
Lib.Init(comilerRet.OutPut);//initialize RunTimeLib useing our Compiled code.

//Adding Our PrintNumberConsole Funcion.
lib.Add_CPPCall("PrintNumberConsole", []( UCodeLang::InterpreterCPPinterface& Input)
	int Par0 = Input.GetParameter<int>();

//Our UCodeLangAutoLink
UCodeLangAutoLink(Lib, OurAPI);

now lets run our UCodeLang UCodeLang command line tool.

Open your command line in your ProjectRoot.

ProjectRoot >

then run uclang (or uclang.exe if your on windows) and type cpptoulangvm

  • Then with for c++ file path
  • then output ucodelang file(.uc) path
  • then c++ output were 'UCodeLangAutoLink' macros is found
ProjectRoot > ./uclang cpptoulangvm [CppPath] [UCodeLangOut] [CppVMLinkPath]

now the UCodeLangOut will have all funcion and type boilerplate and CppVMLinkPath will have all the Add_CPPCall funcions.

and if you have your API in multiple C++ files you can use cppdirtoulangvm to search inside even automatically includes the .h/.hpp files.

ProjectRoot > ./uclang cppdirtoulangvm [CppDir] [UCodeLangOut] [CppVMLinkPath]

The Next Part is about using Module System to Add the Standad Library and other Modules(like your framwork API) and also allowing for intellisense for your code editor.