Geting Started Users

Despite that UCodeLang was designed to embed into applications.

You can use it by itself.


You may use the Playground to try it without Downloading.

Run The following in your terminal to install on linux/MacOs.

curl | sh

Or Download the Installer on the latest release for Windows.

To test that it was installed in your command prompt try runing.

uclang help


lets also download the VsCode extension to make our lives easier.

just search up UCodeLang by Lost blizzard in your extension tab.

Hello main

after geting your extension. run

uclang new

This will ask you about the Project name and author's name.

You can put HelloMain as the ProjectName. and MySelf as the AuthorName.

Inside the new folder.You will Have this folder structure.

- HelloMain
  - src
    - main.uc

  - ULangModule.ucm
  - Build.uc

The 'src' Folder is were all your code is going to be. UCodeLang uses the .uc file extension for all source files.

main.uc is were your main funcion is.This is were your program will start executing.

Build.ucm Is your build script. this allows you to do stuff before and after you build your project. you can ignore this file or even delete it for now.

Lasly ULangModule.uc Is were you place your dependencies.

build and runing

Now lets build our Hello World Program by runing uclang build.

uclang build

And run to program by using uclang run

uclang run

You should see Hello World On your Screen.

Also See Syntax And Semantics

Also See Standardlibrary