
a lambda expression is an anonymous function that can contain either an expression or a sequence of statements.

a lambda looks like this

|[x,y,z] => [expression]

or like this

|[x,y,z] : [statement/statements]

an example of shown below

var MyLambdaObject = |[x,y] => x * y;//expression
var MyLambdaObject2 = |[x,y]:
    var Tep = x * y;
    ret Tep;

lambdas also have a short-form syntax. shown below

var MyLambdaObject = [x,y] => x * y;//expression

Lambda Capturing

Lambda will automatically Capture varables by value from the outer scope.

int a = 10;
int b = 10;
var LambdaObject = |[] => a * b;
//both a and b are captured by value.

a = 0;

var Value = LambdaObject();
//the Value will be 100 and not 0 because its captured by value on were it was declared.

Sometimes it is needed to capture by reference to do this you can explicitly say it captured by reference.

int a = 10;
int b = 10;

//b is captured by value
//a is captured reference.
var LambdaObject = |[](&a) => a * b;

a = 0;

var Value = LambdaObject();
//the Value will be 0 because its captured by reference.

also note you can put expressions in the capture list.

int a = 10;
int b = 10;

var LambdaObject = |[](&a) => a * b;

var LambdaObject2 = |[](int& a = a) => a * b;
//both mean the same thing.

int a = 10;//outer scope 'a'
int b = 10;

var LambdaObject2 = |[](int& a = a) => a * b;
                                 ^ this 'a' is for capture

var LambdaObject2 = |[](int& a = a) => a * b;
                                     ^ is referring to the outer scope.

Note it is not possible to explicitly assigned the captures varable in the short-form syntax.


Explicitly assigned Lambda Capturing has no implementation on the compiler yet.

Lambda inside Lambdas is not tested yet.