
Not to be confused with StringSpan. The String Type is used represent sequences of characters.

The String type Can be used like so.

String_t<char> mystr = "Hello World";

UCodeLang has many different char types which explains why the type is generic.

String_t<char> mystr = "Hello World";
String_t<uft8> mystr = "Hello World";
String_t<uft16> mystr = "Hello World";
String_t<uft32> mystr = "Hello World";

Most of type the you will be useing the alies String,String8,String16,String32. Instead of directly instantiating the type.

String mystr = "Hello World";
String8 mystr = "Hello World";
String16 mystr = "Hello World";
String32 mystr = "Hello World";

like most other languages you can concatenate strings togeter.

String mystr = "Hello";
mystr += " World";


Member Aliases

$StrSpan = StringSpan_t<T>;

Member functions

unsafe |Data[imut this&] -> imut T[&];Gets the Raw Data Pointer.
unsafe |Data[this&] -> T[&];Gets the Raw Data Pointer.
|Size[imut this&] -> uintptr;Gets the Size of the Array.
|Capacity[imut this&] -> uintptr;Gets how much memory the string allocated to hold its contents
|[][imut this&,uintptr index] -> imut T&;Gets the address of an element.
|[][this&,uintptr index] -> T&;Gets the address of an element.
|+[this&,imut this& other] -> this;Concatenate a string to make a new string
|+[this&,imut StrSpan& other] -> this;Concatenate a Stringspan to make a new string
|+=[this&,imut this& other] -> this;Concatenate a string to a new string
|+=[this&,imut StrSpan& other] -> this;Concatenate a stringspan to a new string

Inherited traits

StringBuffer_t<T>Gives the types that are strings funcions such as StartWith,EndWith and GetLines.


Be aware that string literals like "hello" are StringSpans