
Result is a type that is part of the standard library. that can hold either a value of type T or an error(Null).

The Result type Can be used like so.

int!MyErrorType MayHaveError = Null;
Result<int,Result> MayHaveError = Null;

Both being equivalent.

The Result is an enum and here its implementation.

 Val(T val),
 Err(E err),

The Result type allows you to returning Error in a safe way and predictable.

Question Mark Operator,

The question mark operator, ? allows for easier use of the result type.

It lets.

|test[] -> Empty!OpenFileError:
 var fileop = File::Open("somefile.txt");
 if Val(fileop,out openedfile):
   ret Val(Empty());
 else if Err(fileop,out err):
   ret err; 

To become.

|test[] -> Empty!OpenFileError:
  var tep = (?File::Open("somefile.txt")).Write("Hello");
  ret Emtpy()

When starting an expression with ? UCodeLang will check if its an Error and will do an early return if it is.

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