
In UCode, the auto keyword is used to specify that the variable’s data type will automatically be deducted from its initializer.

The compiler decides the data type for a variable by looking at its initialization.

    var num = 10;//The data type is int32

    var Str = "Hello World";//The data type is umut char[&]

This can also be done partially.

    int A = 10;
    var& B = A;//type will be come int&

lastly be used as function return.

    |Func[] -> var:
     ret 10;

    //Func will be int32

note the compiler will the first return statement it finds as the function return.

    |Func[] -> var:
     if true:
      ret true;
      ret 0;

    //Func return type will be bool can and throw an error because int32 cant be implicitly convertible as bool.

note the compiler prefers returning by Value and not by address.

the two Funcs may look the same but have very different results.may cause subtle bugs if not observant.

    |Func[] -> var:
     static V;
     ret V;

    |Func[] -> var&:
     static V;
     ret V;