Here a basic run down of UCodeLang Syntax for People who already know how a programming language.
UCode uses Sugnificant Whitespace like python.
The syntax for declaring a function in UCode is as follows:
|function_name[parameter_list];//not being explicit with the return
|function_name[parameter_list] -> void;
For example, the following code declares a function named add that takes two integer parameters and returns an integer:
|add[int x, int y] -> int;
Variables are declared with a type and a name. For example, the following code declares an integer variable named x:
int x;
Member functions are just functions with a this parameter
use ULang;
Fmt::Print("Hello, World!");
var object = MyClass();
To access a static variable or function in UCode, you can use the class name and the scope resolution operator (::).
//no use of the ULang namespace;
functions can be expressed in different ways.
|add[int x, int y] => x + y;
|add2[int x, int y] -> int:
ret x + y;
|add3[int x, int y]:
ret x + y;
enums are is as follows:
$Color enum:
namespaces are is as follows:
static int MyStaticValue = 10;
thread int MythreadLocalValue =10;
int Value = 10;//also my threadLocalValue
using namespaces is as follows:
use MyNamespaces;
alias is as follows:
$i64 = int64;
$u32 = uint32;
inheritance look like this
$Worker trait;//no members
$FasterWorker[Worker];//no members
Object protections look like this
int Hp = 10;
int Money = 10;
int Happiness = 10;
Standard Library Compiler alias
int? MaybeAnInt;//an optional int
int[] Ints;//an Vector<int>
int[5] MoreInts;//an Array<int,5> //an Array<int,(somevarable)>
int[(somevarable)] MoreInts; //an Array<int,(somevarable)> Map short hand takes precedent over array in this case so you need parentheses.
int[String] StringToIntMap;//an Map<String,int>
int[sometype] SomeTypeToIntMap;//an Map<sometype,int>
int[:] SpanOfInts;//an Span<int>
int^ UniqueInt;//an Unique_ptr<int>
int$ SharedInt;//an Shared_ptr<int>
int[^] UniqueIntsArray;//an Unique_Array<int>
int[$] SharedIntsArray;//an Shared_Array<int>
imut int ConstInt = 5;
imut ConstInt2 = 4;// or like this.
|SayHello[umut this&]:
Fmt::Print("Hello, World!");
int x = 10;
int& r = x;
|Update_NumToChange[int& V]:
V = 10;
Thats the basics heres. Some links Explore More: