System IO
After Automatic Binding Generation the last thing we need to is to add the Standard Library and allowing Input And Output.
Let's take the easier one out of the way.
Allowing Input And Output.
Because CPPCalls and dynamic external funcions is the only for UCodeLang to talk to c++ and by extension the outside world.
Three Classes are made to add all of CPPCalls for you so you can get to work on makeing your framework.
Adds CppCalls for direct access to the file system,network and other IO.
Adds CppCalls for simulateing access in memory to the file system,network and other IO allowing the developer selectively allow access to these systems.
like pretending all files don't exist and except for selected few and those are read-only.
- UtilityLink
Adds CppCalls for everything else that doesn't fit in IO mostly relating to the CPU and Memory.
- Math
- Atomic
those classes can be used like so
UCodeLang::RunTimeLib Lib;
Lib.Init(comilerRet.OutPut);//initialize RunTimeLib useing our Compiled code.
//Link UtilityLinks
//You can only pick SandBoxedIOLink or IOLink because thay add the same funcions