
A Shared_ptr is class that can share ownership of an object.useing reference counting to free the resource.

int$ obj = shr int(10);
Shared_ptr<int> obj = Shared_ptr<int>::Make(10);

Both being equivalent.

Member functions

|new[this&] -> void;default contructer.
|new[this&,moved this other] -> void;move contructer.
|new[this&,imut this& other] -> invalid;removed copy contructer.
|drop[this&] -> void;default destructer.
|Get[imut this&] -> imut T&gets owned object.
|Get[this&] -> T&;gets owned object.
|Make[this&] -> this;
|Make<T...>[this&,imut T pars] -> this;allocate memory for type.
|Make<T...>[this&,moved T pars] -> this;allocate memory for type.